First Aid For Nausea And Vomiting

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Nausea and vomiting are regular problems experienced by men, women and kids of every age group at some point or another. Vomiting is the powerful discharge of tummy contents through the mouth, whereas nausea is the horrible feeling that precedes vomiting.

Vomiting usually takes place when a person experiences food poisoning. Though, other conditions can also cause vomiting. The type of vomiting and related symptoms could help to identify the cause of vomiting. For instance:

An unexpected onset of nausea and vomiting might be caused by food poisoning, virus affecting the pancreas or gall bladder, or consuming certain pills or drugs.

  • Vomiting and diarrhea can be a sign of a viral infection.
  • Vomiting before the start of breakfast can be due to pregnancy or alcohol consumption.
  • If you are vomiting a few hours after having a meal, it can be due to an obstruction in the abdomen because of a congenital issue or even a tumor.
  • Vomiting with uncontrolled eye movements might be because of an inner ear infection that controls the balance.
  • Vomiting of bile might be a problem caused within the small intestines.
    Nausea and vomiting are regular problems experienced by men, women and kids of every age group at some point or another. Vomiting is the powerful discharge of tummy contents through the mouth
    Nausea and vomiting are regular problems experienced by men, women and kids of every age group at some point or another. Vomiting is the powerful discharge of tummy contents through the mouth
  • Vomiting that is accompanied by weight loss can indicate a tumor.
  • Vomiting and pain can be due to an obstruction especially if it’s a sharp pain.
  • Vomiting with a severe headache and sore neck might be due to brain injury.
  • Cyclic vomiting syndrome is due to stages of queasiness and vomiting with the casualty normal between attacks. It is more frequent in children and is related with migraines, allergic response or motion sickness.

Vomiting should be separated from regurgitation as they can be confused at times. In regurgitation, the tummy contents ascend through the mouth without a strong force, while in vomiting, the discharge of contents is forceful.

Assessments are sometimes essential to diagnose the reason for the vomiting. It is essential to remember that radiological assessments should not be done on females of childbearing age except if pregnancy has been excluded and if it is determined the female is not pregnant.

What are the Causes of Nausea and Vomiting?

Infections: Viruses in the digestive canal and in other parts of the body can cause sickness and vomiting.

Food poisoning: Viral infections within the digestive tract can cause severe vomiting. Vomiting can also be due to eating out or eating food which is past its sell-by date.

Medications and pollutants: Almost any medication can cause vomiting. Predominantly notorious are chemotherapy drugs given for the treatment of malignant cells.

Related Video On Nausea And Vomiting

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