Participants enrolled in standard first aid training, with courses now available in Hamilton, will learn to provide care and treatment to support breathing and circulation for victims of major bleeding. Candidates will learn hands on experience and skills to treat victims of deadly bleeding. Participants must utilize the skills and knowledge from previous sections into this component to successfully complete it. The material posted on this page is for information purposes only and for candidates to understand the components required to complete this portion of the standard first aid course. To learn to treat and recognize victims of deadly bleeding enrol in a credible standard first aid course today.
To successfully complete a standard first aid class participants treating deadly bleeding must:
- Check the environment for any hazards or dangers.
- Determine the mechanism or cause (history) of the injury.
- Assess the patients level of consciousness.
- Complete a primary assessment on the victim.
- Contact emergency medical services (EMS) and obtain a AED.
- Apply appropriate treatment to the patient.
- Reassure the victim and treat for shock.
- Monitor the victims vitals.
- Use appropriate barrier devices.
For victims with Internal Bleeding:
- Apply firm, direct pressure around the wound if it is a impaled object (example: embedded knife).
- Apply clean, sterile dressing and bandages to any exposed injuries.
For victims with external bleeding:
- Rescuers should apply firm, direct pressure over the wound with clean and sterile dressing.
- Check for distal circulation below the wound.
- Do not aggravate the injury and ask the patient to limit movement.
Additional Notes:
- Candidates enrolled in standard first aid courses will learn the different between arterial and venous bleeding. Participants will learn various wrapping and bandaging techniques for bleeding throughout the body.
- Candidates should not elevate the injury as it will aggravate the injury and reduce the ability to provide pressure to the wound.
For more information and to learn to recognize and treat victims with circulatory emergencies such as major bleeding enrol in standard first aid training through a credible provider.