In broad-spectrum of things, first aid contains dressing the wound and keeping the individual secure until medical assistance arrives. Try to keep the individual unruffled and reassured.
Bites are produced by an animal jawbone or mouth parts – e.g. a canine, spider or bee. A poisonous animal uses stinging part of their body combined with the jab of venom.
Symptoms and signs of Bee Stings
Bites are produced by an animal jawbone or mouth parts – e.g. a canine, spider or bee. A poisonous animal uses stinging part of their body combined with the jab of venom.
- pain
- inflammation of the area
- bruising of the affected region
- altered feeling – e.g. impassiveness or ‘pins and needles’
- queasiness or nausea
- headache
- hazy or double vision
- muscle weakness
- breathing trouble
Bee or Wasp Stings
Bees have only a single stinging spike that remains in the skin after they have injected it, following the event. The venom pod is attached to the spike and continues to insert venom till it is empty. For this intention, the spike should be detached as soon as possible. How the spike is detached is not essential.
Wasps do not leave a disconnected spike in the skin but impose several stings, thus increasing the total of venom inserted. The hazard with bee and wasp stings is that stings round the mouth, throat or face can swell and cause airway barriers. Also, some individuals have a hypersensitive reaction to bee venom and might collapse within a few minutes after being stung, necessitating resuscitation and crucial medical action.
How you can be of assistance
- Eradicate the sting
- If stung by a bee, instantly brush or scrape the sting off the skin to halt any more venom being inserted. How the sting is detached is less significant than eradicating the sting swiftly.
- Apply something cold
- Instantly apply an enclosed ice pack and leave it for about 10 minutes. Apply again at repeated intervals or whenever pain release is required.
- Elevate the bitten region
- Elevate the bitten region as high as you can to limit the inflammation that will take place.
- If a hand or harm has been stung, apply a sling to offer relief and support.
- Pursue medical assistance
- Call a doctor for assistance.
If the casualty is known to be hypersensitive to the venom – call the paramedics for an ambulance and help the patient with any recommended treatment.
Watch the patient carefully for any variation in their condition. If any of the cautionary signs of an allergic response appear, call for an ambulance immediately.
The cautionary signs contain:
- a rash over the area
- breathless or coughing
- inflammation around the face and neck
Related Video on Allergic Reactions