Participants enrolled in standard first aid training will learn to recognize, treat and provide care for patients suffering from seizures. Classes are available throughout Canada including in Toronto, Ontario. Candidates will learn the difference between convulsive and non-convulsive seizures and tonic-clonic and absence seizures. To successfully complete the course and the skills component of standard first aid participants must include skills and knowledge gained from previous sections of the course when treating victims of seizures. The material posted on this page is for information purposes only.
To complete standard first aid training rescuers must complete the following when treating victims of seizures:
- Check the scene and environment for any hazards or dangers.
- Determine the history of the emergency by using signs and symptoms, medical history or conditions.
- Assess the patient’s level of consciousness.
- Send a bystander to contact EMS and obtain an AED.
- Protect the patient’s head by using a towel, sweater, or the rescuers hands. Do not push the victims head down during a seizure and avoid placing anything into the victims mouth.
- Move any hazards away from the patient.
- Patient should be placed into a appropriate position after the seizure has stopped.
- Complete the primary assessment and treat for shock.
- Maintain a open airway and breathing.
- Complete the secondary assessment.
Additional Notes:
- Candidates should be able to visually recognize the difference between a convulsive type and non-convulsive seizure.
- Rescuers should be aware of the various different causes of seizures.
- Rescuers should be aware the patients of generalized convulsive seizures wake up very confused and disoriented for approximately 1 hour.
To successfully complete a standard first aid course candidates must be able to demonstrate all of the skills and components mentioned above in simulated rescues. The material posted above is for information purposes only, if participants want to learn to recognize and treat victims of seizures they should attend a standard first aid course through a credible provider.