In standard first aid training candidates will learn to assess a conscious patient and breathing victim. This section portion of the program includes a scene assessment, primary assessment and secondary assessment. Participants will learn to develop proficiency in assessing treatment priorities. Candidates will learn to react to different scenarios with a victim with dynamic injuries. Participants will have the opportunity to develop and practise these skill in the standard first aid course.
In order to successfully complete the course candidates must be able to:
Complete a scene assessment which includes:
- Evaluating the scene for dangers.
- Removing the victim from danger or removing the danger from the victim.
- Determine the mechanism of injury.
- Determine the level of injury and the number of patients.
- Communicate effectively whenever possible with the patient(s).
Complete a primary assessment which includes:
- Assess the level of consciousness of the patient.
- Assess the victims airway, breathing and circulation.
- Using a bystander whenever possible, activate emergency medical services (EMS) if necessary and obtain a AED.
- Complete a rapid body survey.
- Treat the victim for shock.
Complete a secondary assessment which includes:
- Obtaining a relevant history check (e.g. signs and symptoms, allergies, medications, past pertinent history, last meal, events prior)
- Record the patients vital signs (time, level(s) of consciousness, pulse, respiration, eyes, skin colour and skin temperature).
- Completing a thorough head-to-toe examination.
Additional Notes:
Prior to initiating a patient assessment for a conscious victim, rescuer must obtain consent. During a rapid body survey candidates should check for major bleeding, escaping air, deformities, and medical information such as MedicAlert tags.
The information posted above is the minimum requirements for participants to complete a standard first aid course. Candidates should apply the skills learn in other sections such as using protective equipment. The material posted on this page is for information purposes only, to learn to do a patient assessment candidates should attend a standard first aid course.