Participants enrolled in standard first aid training will learn to recognize, treat and care for victims of facial injuries. Facial injuries include injuries to the ear, nose, eye, broken teeth and broken facial bones such as the jaw. Candidates must include components learned in previous sections when treating victims of facial injuries. The material posted on this page is for information purposes only. Candidates that want to learn to recognize and treat victims of facial injuries should take a standard first aid course.
To complete the facial injuries component of a standard first aid course candidates must:
- Check the scene for any dangers or hazards.
- Determine the history of and mechanism of injury.
- Complete the primary assessment (includes assessing level of consciousness and ABC’s)
- Send a bystander to contact EMS and obtain an AED.
- Place the patient into a comfortable and appropriate position (limit movement if possible).
- Reassure the patient.
- Treat for shock.
- Rescuers must wear / use appropriate barrier devices.
- Rescuers should treat severe facial injuries as spinal injuries.
- Broken teeth can be placed into cold milk for transport with the patient.
Candidates enrolled in standard first aid training will learn to recognize and treat victims of facial injuries. The components posted above are the minimal requirements for candidates to accomplish to be able to pass this portion and ultimately the course. Register today to learn hands on experience on how to treat a variety of facial injuries.