Injuries: Burns

Participants enrolled in standard first aid training, with courses now available in Fort McMurray, will learn to recognize and treat patients suffering from all three degrees of burns. Candidates must use components covered in other parts of the program to successfully complete this burn management section. The material posted below is the minimum requirements for completing the burns portion of the course. The material posted on this page is for information purposes only.

To successfully complete the burn management component of the course candidates must:

  • Check the scene for any dangers or hazards.
    Burn Management
    Cooling a Burn with Cold Clean Water
  • Determine the history or cause of the emergency.
  • Complete the rescuers primary assessment.
  • Send a bystander to contact EMS and obtain an AED.
  • Place the patient into a appropriate position (with limited movement if possible).
  • Treat the patient for shock and maintain a open airway and breathing.
  • Rescuers must use / wear appropriate barrier devices.

For victims of thermal burns:

  • Remove the patient from the source of injury.
  • Flush the injured area immediately with water (10 to 25 degrees Celsius is best). Avoid using ice water.
  • Do not break any blister if present.

For victims of chemical burns:

  • Rescuers should be careful to brush of dry chemical before flushing with water.
  • Rescuers should be aware of MSDS and WHMIS papers when treating patients of chemical burns and protecting rescuers.

For victims of electrical burns:

  • Rescuers should look for entry and exit burns for the most severe injuries.
  • Immobilize the injured and affected limbs and spine.

Additional Information:

  • Candidates should be aware of the difference between 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree burns.
  • When bandaging burns, rescuers should use dry, non stick bandages.
  • All victims of electrical shock should be advised to seek further medical attention.
  • Patients with sever electrical burns should be treated as spinal victims as they may have fractured or broken spines.

To successfully complete the skills component of standard first aid training candidates must perform the above mentioned components when treating victims of thermal, chemical and electrical burns. By taking a standard first aid course rescuers will learn to recognize and treat victims of the various different types of burns.