Standard first aid training teaches candidates to recognize, provide care and treat a patient of a stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA). Courses are available in almost every province in Canada with classes now availble in throughout the East Coast including Halifax. Participants will use skills and knowledge learned in earlier components of the standard first aid course to recognize and treat patients with strokes and TIA because of Circulatory Emergencies. The material posted on this page is for information purposes only. Candidates must include all of the components presented below to successfully complete the stroke component and the course.
Rescuers must show the following skills and knowledge about Circulatory Emergencies when treating a stroke victim to complete the standard first aid course:
- Check the scene for any hazards or dangers.
- Through a history, medication, or condition information check, determine the cause or mechanism of injury.
Victims of stroke may have difficulty walking and rescuers may be taught to place the victim on his or her side. - Assess the patients level of consciousness.
- Complete the primary assessment.
- Send a bystander to contact EMS and locate a AED.
- Place the patient into a appropriate position (in the recovery position with the affected side up if possible).
- Treat the patient for shock.
- Continually monitor the patients vitals.
Additional Notes:
- A TIA is caused by a temporary blockage of a vessel that supplies blood to the brain. It typically lasts less than 20 minutes but it can be a precursor to a stroke so patients should be encouraged to seek medical attention immediately.
A popular acronym for treating patients with a stroke is the work “STROKE”:
- S – smile – a patient with a stroke will have a difficult time showing a symmetric smile.
- T – talk – some patients have difficulty with speech during or after a stroke.
- R – raise arms – patients may have a difficult time raising arms over their heads.
- OKE – OK call Ems – when in doubt, candidates should contact EMS.
Participants enrolled in standard first aid training will learn to recognize and treat victims of TIA’s and strokes. Candidates need to complete all of the above components to successfully complete the course. Candidates will learn significantly more information about strokes than the information posted above.