How to Give First Aid For Diarrhea

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It is very common to have a person suffer from diarrhea either at home or any other place. Therefore, it is important to have the knowledge and skills on first aid for diarrhea in order to provide the help required. The first thing you need to do is to check the condition of the person in order to understand the next step to take. In case the victim is dehydrated or having severe abdominal pain, you need to call emergency help very fast.

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First aid for Diarrhea Guidelines

  • If it is an adult, give him or her lot of clear fluid such as sports drinks, soda and fruit juices. It is important to avoid giving drinks such as milk, alcohol, caffeine or apple juice for four to six days because they may make the situation worse.
  • For a child give several sips of a re-hydration solution, but never add any salt tablets.
  • Ensure that the victim takes more fluid that the one being lost. In case the patient cannot take the required amount of fluid, but continue to diarrhea, contact a doctor.

Make Sure The Victim Has a Lot of Rest

As you give first aid for diarrhea, ensure that the person does not engage in strenuous exercises. If it is a school child, let him/her rest at home.

What To Do About Eating?

Let the child eat food that can be digested easily such as rice, applesauce or toast. In case of an adult, ensure that the diet has more of semisolid and low fiber foods. Do not give foods with a lot of fats or spices.

When You Should Call a Doctor?

Just like any other medical emergencies, it is important to call a doctor if the symptoms persist even after giving the first aid for diarrhea. Here are some of the situations where you may need to call for medical assistance from a doctor.

  • If you suspect that the victim is dehydrated, call emergency help immediately.
  • If an infant below three months has vomiting or diarrhea you need to make call for emergency help.
  • In case the victim has drank contaminated water or has traveler’s diarrhea.
  • In case the diarrhea is caused by antibiotics or other medicines the patient may be taking.
  • If you see mucus or blood in the stool.
  • In case of fever or the person is losing more fluids that he or she is drinking.
  • Seek the services of a doctor if the pain is not relieved through bowel movement.

Where to Learn More?

Diarrhoea can be very uncomfortable. It is important to try to stay hydrated.

To learn more about knowing when to contact EMS or symptoms to treat as an emergency enrol in a first aid course with one of our training providers located under the “locations” tab.


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